IV Nutrition and Injection Therapies

Intravenous nutrient therapy is an effective treatment alone or in addition to a comprehensive health plan. Vitamin and mineral IV infusions strengthen the immune system, enhance the body’s response to stress and fatigue, support cognitive function, and improve energy levels. NCFC physicians have advanced training in IV nutrient therapy and we treat a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions with individualized formulations. Since infusions are nutrient based with ingredients commonly found in foods, they are tolerated very well. Every IV program begins with lab screening to ensure patient safety. Our treatments are excellent for improving exercise tolerance, for alleviating fatigue, and for certain chronic conditions involving the immune system such as asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer.

  • Revitalization – Whether fighting off a cold or the flu or just feeling run down by a chaotic schedule, IV nutrient therapy is one of the most effective treatments to get you feeling better and having more energy quickly. Our revitalization formulae not only support a healthy immune system, they also help support the body’s responds to stress. Everyone knows that exercise has many beneficial effects, however, your body perceives intense exercise as a form of stress. By replenishing nutrients lost during your workout, we can improve your exercise tolerance, whether you are doing a regular workout routine or even intense, competitive athletic training.

  • Detoxification – A very important application of IV nutrient therapy is supporting the body’s ability to remove toxins from the body. This is especially important for people who work or have worked around harsh chemicals or for people who are especially sensitive to toxic substances in the environment like heavy metals.

  • Stabilization of Chronic Conditions – Nourishing one’s body and supporting the immune system are very important when addressing any chronic disease. Our stabilization formulae go beyond the basic revitalization approach by targeting specific body processes that are involved in various chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

  • Cancer Support – Supportive cancer care is one of the most valuable applications of IV nutrient therapy. Primary cancer treatments with chemotherapy and/or radiation have more side effects on the body than any other conventional treatment. We tailor IV nutrient infusions to both support cancer treatment and to help relieve the common side effects of conventional treatment.

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