Philosophy + Mission


Our Philosophy

Birth is not only about bringing a baby into this world – it is also about confident mothers recognizing their inner strength and building resilient, positive families who learn, grow and adapt together.

Families are increasingly choosing to have their babies in the safety and privacy of a birth center or home setting. At Canyon Medical Center, we offer a unique blend of midwifery services and naturopathic medical care for the whole family from preconception to birth, and well beyond. As the naturopathic midwives at Canyon Medical Center, we believe in women’s ability to create and nurture life. We assist women throughout pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time, helping women achieve and maintain an optimal pregnancy while offering education and emotional support. As Naturopathic physicians, we continue to care for you and your child past 6 weeks of age, when care with a midwife usually ceases. We are happy to discuss childhood development, breastfeeding, weaning, nutrition, naturopathic home remedies, acute illness, vaccinations, sleep habits and all things that arise along this journey to raise happy, healthy children.

Canyon Medical Center’s Naturopathic Medicine Mission in Oregon

Canyon Medical Center’s Mission

Canyon Medical Center is a consortium of individual medical providers who collectively strive to uncover the root cause of our patients’ dis-ease. Each provider has their own individualized approach to care, ultimately working with the body’s innate capacity for health.

Our passionate team of associates begin the process of restoring health, gently bringing physiology into harmony with nature. We understand that sustainable medicine not only involves empowering patients through education, it also requires that healthcare evolve to offer individualized treatment. So as your provider teaches you to become your own physician, you ultimately you will find yourself in a place of balance and ease.

Our Mission is to provide quality health services for the community, to promote wellness, to instill the understanding that it is achievable and to restore health by offering superior, patient-centered care.


The Six Fundamentals of Naturopathic Medicine

The Healing Power of Nature
Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.

Identify and Treat the Causes
Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.

First Do No Harm
Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.

Doctor as Teacher
Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.

Treat the Whole Person
View the body as an integrated whole, physical & mental.

Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.